How we save over $5000 on food


Are you tired like N-dog here, of constantly finding yourself stressed out while standing in the grocery store, not knowing what you`re going to have for dinner? Do you want to save more money on food?  Are you tired of eating industrial, un-healthy food? Then keep on reading!

So.. this is embarrassing, but a couple of years ago, when BF and I moved in together, we both lived in small spaced dorms and shared kitchen with a lot of random (and semi-crazy) people, so we didn`t like to spend much time in the common room, which means that we didn`t think about how much money we wasted on food. We went to expensive grocery stores because it was more convenient, we bought easy expensive industrial food,  and shopped every day. Neither of us thought about how much we were really spending.

But then we moved into a house together and I started paying attention to what I ate due to my Fibromyalgia. That was 3 years ago, and I`ve had a steep learning curve and saved so much money! Approximately $5300 a year! That`s A LOT of money. We used to spend more about $900(!!) on food a month. I know, I know, but I did warn you, it was not my finest hour. …Continue reading

Where are you Spring? & Sunday Link

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I didn´t have time to post anything yesterday, which is why Sunday Link is filling in for Saturday Link today:-)  Yesterday I spent the entire day in the woods by a bonfire, grilling hot dogs and drinking some wine (so classy) with a bunch of people, which eventually turned into an After-Bonfire when the sun had set… I´m a bit tired today, but I had such a great time yesterday and met loads of nice people. This week was my Easter Break, but I did manage to write almost 4 pages on my Bachelor Thesis before taking some time off studying. I wrote about how I called of my Gym membership, shared a delicious Lemon and Chocolate Cupcake recipe with you and about typical Norwegian Easter Traditions.  Spring still seems so far away, and I`m already dreaming of summer, hence the picture! How will this end? …continue reading

Norwegian Easter Traditions


Norway is a Christian nation, so Easter is an important holiday for us, as nearly everyone has time off from Thursday to Monday. It`s a time to visit family and friends. This Easter BF and I are visiting his family,  and I felt like sharing some of Norway`s typical Easter traditions, and as you`ll probably see, we Norwegians love our Easter break. They`re not exactly religious traditions, but it`s what makes Easter, Easter.  And if you wonder, God Påske means Happy Easter.

1. Going skiing in the mountains
One of the most popular activities during Easter is going to a cabin in the mountains and go skiing.

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2. Eating Kvikk Lunsj, the Norwegian version of KitKat – This is the ultimate hiking chocolate. Whenever Norwegians goes hiking, skiing, or just spend time outside, this is the chocolate we prefer. Since 1937!

sjokolade …continue reading

Easterlicious Lemon & Chocolate Cupcakes

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Easter is right around the corner, so I thought I´d share this easterlicious lemon buttercream cupcake recipe with you. If you remember the Double Trouble Chocolate Cupcakes, you`ll see that it´s the same basic recipe, only this time I`ve made it with a fresh, citrus frosting based on lemon curd. In Norway, yellow is the traditional colour of Easter, signifying brighter times are coming after a long winter. That`s why I found it suitable to make these delicious cupcakes into an Easter treat! …continue reading