Goodbye crappy old PC, Hello Macbook Pro

When my mom asked what I wanted for christmas, I told her the only thing I really wanted and needed was a contribution for saving up for a new computer, as my old one was dying a slow and annoying death by deleting my files and constantly showing me its blue screens of death. She knew I`d always wanted a Macbook, but I didn`t mention it because it had never been something that I could afford. I was thinking about one of those cheap computers that lasts 2 years, tops. But one day she had one of those funny smiles on her face, when she has some good news she wants to share. And that`s when she told me she wanted to give me a Macbook, seeing I needed something more solid for my schoolwork.

I`m just so happy for this incredible gift, and I`m definetely going to make the most of it, and it`ll hopefully last for many years! Have to say it`s a relief not having to worry if mandatory essays suddenly goes missing, or losing some research because the computer says adieu. I`m already feeling much more inspired to write my bachelor thesis. Though ask me again about that in a couple of months when I`m all swamped with schoolworks and obligatory essays.

ImageThat`s right, been watching some Downton Abbey. Ever seen it? It`s superb!

Budget Friendly: Stocking up

Whenever I`m visiting my parents in the Canary Islands, I always make sure that I`ve got an extra suitcase to bring back home. Living in Norway is very, very expensive, especially when you`re living on student loans and grants. Which is why I usually stock up on things when I`m in the Canary Islands, as there are practically no taxes there, with the price level being generally very low. Take the cans of sweet condensed milk for instance. In Norway, these would cost me 9$ per can. When I bought them on the Spanish Island it cost me 1$/can. That`s a 8 dollar difference! The amount of money I save each year just by buying some products with me is rediculously huge!

This time I stocked up on sweet condensed milk, honey, my favourite chocolate, a jar of peach jam, two boxes of sprinkles, some luxurious goat cheese, Serrano ham (Spanish version of the Italian Parma ham), and some  bio-degradable garbage bags.

I love being able to stock up on things that I use, but only  to a fraction of what it`d cost in Norway. This is one of the ways I save a lot of money each year, as everytime I visit I always make sure to buy certain food items with me.




What do you like to stock up on when you got the chance?

Holiday Recap – Phone version

My favourite dogs in the world; Noah and Milo


Enjoying a piece of the greatest blueberry cheesecake ever!


Exam. Enough said.

ImageDonated some christmas gifts to charity

ImageA beautiful Christmas crib


Milo and Noah wanting me to go for a walk


Belgian waffle with Haagen-Dazs ice-cream. Love it!


The local mall`s christmas decoration


My BF gave me a Marc Jacobs handbag. OMG! Love, love, love it!


We celebrate Christmas Eve, so on Christmas Day we had a leftover lunch on the balcony.


Noah`s way of protesting me leaving. He does this everytime I`ve packed my suitcase.


It`s not the best quality on the pictures, but it`s so nice to have something to look at now that I`m back in cold winter-Norway.

The circle of friends is expanding

My BF and I have a close circle of friends consisting of a couple that’s getting married this summer, a guy who we’ve both known since we were teenagers and this last one who has been single for quite some time, but who recently introduced us to his girlfriend! This might not seem like a big deal, but trust me, it is. He has often said that the day he introduces us to a girl then it’s serious. Like introducing a girl to one’s parents-serious!

We’ve started this tradition that we all celebrate New Years Eve together, and this New years Eve, we were talking about how the table might look like in 2 and 10 years from now. Our hope is that two years from now we’ll need two more seats for the two guys’ girlfriends, and 10 years from now, a really long table to fit our hopefully expanded families:-)

So now I’m on the subway, on my way downtown to meet up with them and my BF for a meal and some pints at our favourite Irish pub. Isn’t nice when your close friends finds their special one? I think it’s awesome!

Waiting for the Subway

I’m back! I know I’ve been away for a couple of weeks, but once my exam was finished, Christmas had arrived. So instead of fussing about and writing random posts, I decided to have myself a merry little Christmas. But fear not! The blog was not forgotten. I brought my camera with me and took a lot of pictures that I’m going to share with you. I also have a delicious chocolate cupcake recipe to share! At this very moment I’m on the subway, on the way home, with my second new MacBook pro in the last 24 hours… I’ll tell you all about it later.